
Unix manual pages.

The following are the manual pages for the finite difference calculator atlc and the bitmap generators. All were generated with the aid of man2html by
  • atlc(1) This is the main finite-difference calculation routine.
  • circ_in_circ(1) For a circular conductor inside a circular conductor.
  • circ_in_rect(1) For a circular conductor inside a rectangular one
  • readbin(1) For finding information on the binary files produced.
  • rect_in_rect(1) For quickly generating bitmaps of rectangular conductors inside rectangular conductors.
  • rect_cen_in_rect(1) For quickly generating bitmaps of rectangular conductors placed centrally inside rectangular conductors.
  • rect_in_circ(1) Currently the programme has not been finished
  • sym_strip(1) For quickly generating bitmaps of thin conductor between two wide groundplanes. Since exact analytical results exist, this is good for testing atlc
  • make_coupler(1) For quickly generating bitmaps of directional couplers, like this. The man page for make_coupler has not been written yet. Since this structure has an exact analytical result when the conductors are infinitely thin and the groundplanes infinitely wide, it is useful for testing atlc's performance on coupled lines.
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