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csGridBagConstraint Class Reference

csGridBagLayout is the most flexible layout class. More...

#include <csbaglay.h>

Inheritance diagram for csGridBagConstraint:

csLayoutConstraint List of all members.

Public Types

  RELATIVE = -1, REMAINDER = 0, NONE = 0, BOTH = 1,
  NORTHEAST = 12, EAST = 13, SOUTHEAST = 14, SOUTH = 15,

Public Methods

 csGridBagConstraint (csComponent *comp)
 csGridBagConstraint (const csGridBagConstraint &c)
 csGridBagConstraint (csComponent *comp, int _gridx, int _gridy, int _gridwidth, int _gridheight, float _weightx, float _weighty, int _anchor, int _fill, csRect _insets, int _ipadx, int _ipady)
csLayoutConstraintClone ()
 make a copy of this constraint.

Public Attributes

int gridx
 gridx set column for next cell to aad: RELATIVE ... More...

int gridy
 gridx set row for next cell to aad: RELATIVE ... More...

int gridwidth
 Set gridwidth to define the number of columns the cell spans. More...

int gridheight
 Set gridheight to define the number of rows the cell spans. More...

float weightx
 weightx defines how much space is added or substracted to a cell if the layout size changes. More...

float weighty
 weighty defines how much space is added or substracted to a cell if the layout size changes. More...

int anchor
 If you choose to not size the component to fit in a cell you can set the position of the component in a cell. More...

int fill
 To size the component to fit in cell set fill to BOTH. More...

csRect insets
 This adds additional space to the component width and height.

int ipadx
 ipadx preserves ipadx pixels between component and cell left and right edges.

int ipady
 ipady preserves ipady pixels between component and cell upper and lower edges.

bool bSized
csPoint mPrefCompSize

Detailed Description

csGridBagLayout is the most flexible layout class.

Here is how it works:

A grid is laid over the layout components canvas. This yields rows and columns (oh, really ?) which cross in cells. Each cell is able to hold a single component (which again can be layout components). You are able to define whether a cell should span one or more columns and same with rows. Furthermore you can define how additional space is distributed among columns/rows if the layout is resized and becomes larger or smaller. A component in a cell is not set to fit a priori. You must tell if it should be resized to cover the cell canvas. If you choose to not resize the component in a cell you can set a relative position within the cell like: CENTER ... center the component in the middle of the cell NORTH ... center the component horizontally and put it at top of cell For more variations see below. To make sure there is space at left/right and/or top/bottom between cell borders and the components edges use ipadx and ipady.

The grids cells are filled from left to right and top to bottom in the sequence components with the csGridBagLayout as parent are created. The filling starts at cell (0,0). To mark the last cell in a row simply set gridwidth to REMAINDER. The next component added is set in the next rows first cell. You can temporary break the filling sequence by setting gridx and/or gridy to a particular value. To continue the normal filling process set gridx/gridy to RELATIVE.

csComponent *window = new csWindow (this, "Gridbag Layout test", CSWS_DEFAULTVALUE & ~CSWS_MENUBAR); window->SetSize (400, 300); window->Center (); window->Select ();

csGridBagLayout *gb = new csGridBagLayout (window);

window->SendCommand (cscmdWindowSetClient, (void*)gb);

gb->c.fill = csGridBagConstraint::NONE; // dont resize components gb->c.weightx = 1.0; // scale cell horizontally only gb->c.weighty = 0.0; // align component within cell gb->c.anchor = csGridBagConstraint::SOUTHWEST; gb->c.ipady = 5; // distance to listbox below csStatic *label = new csStatic (gb, NULL, "Message history"); label->SetSize (300, 20);

gb->c.ipady = 0; csSpinBox *spb = new csSpinBox (gb); spb->SetSize (80,20); spb->SetLimits (1, 1000); spb->SetValue (200);

gb->c.ipady = 5; gb->c.weightx = 1.0; gb->c.weighty = 0.0; gb->c.anchor = csGridBagConstraint::SOUTHWEST; gb->c.gridwidth = csGridBagConstraint::REMAINDER; // last component in row gb->label = new csStatic (gb, NULL, "Players"); gb->label->SetSize (300, 20);

// add a listbox that shows the last few messages sent gb->c.gridwidth = 2; gb->c.fill = csGridBagConstraint::BOTH; gb->c.weightx = 1.0; gb->c.weighty = 0.0; gb->c.insets.xmin = 0; gb->c.ipady = 0; csListBox *hist = new csListBox (gb, CSLBS_VSCROLL); hist->SetSize (100, 100); hist->SetState (CSS_SELECTABLE, false);

gb->c.fill = csGridBagConstraint::BOTH; gb->c.weightx = 0.0; gb->c.weighty = 1.0; gb->c.gridwidth = csGridBagConstraint::REMAINDER; // add a listbox for the players in the arena csListBox *playerlist = new csListBox (gb); playerlist->SetSize (100, 100);

// add a editline for sending HOST - messages gb->c.fill = csGridBagConstraint::NONE; gb->c.gridx = csGridBagConstraint::RELATIVE; gb->c.gridwidth = 2; gb->c.gridheight = csGridBagConstraint::REMAINDER;; gb->c.weighty = 0.1; gb->c.weightx = 1.0; gb->c.anchor = csGridBagConstraint::NORTH; gb->c.insets.xmin = 20; csInputLine *msgline = new csInputLine (gb); msgline->SetSize (300, 20); msgline->SetText ("Test Test"); msgline->SetSelection (0,999);

gb->c.fill = csGridBagConstraint::BOTH; gb->c.gridwidth = csGridBagConstraint::REMAINDER; gb->c.weighty = 1.0; csFlowLayout *flow = new csFlowLayout (gb); flow->SetSize (100, 100); CreateButton (flow, 7000, "Kick", 0, 0); CreateButton (flow, 7001, "Observe", 10, 0); CreateButton (flow, 7002, "Fly w/", 20, 0); CreateButton (flow, 7003, "Fool", 30, 0); CreateButton (flow, 7004, "Strip Weapons", 40, 0);

... void CreateButton (csComponent *parent, int id, const char *text, int xpos, int ypos) { csButton *b= new csButton (parent, id); b->SetPos (xpos, ypos); b->SetSuggestedSize (0, 0); b->SetText (text); }

Member Data Documentation

int csGridBagConstraint::anchor

If you choose to not size the component to fit in a cell you can set the position of the component in a cell.

Use the following values: CENTER ... center component in the middle of cell WEST ... align component left horizontally and center vertically NORTH ... center component horizontally and align on top of cell EAST ... align component right horizontally and center vertically SOUTH ... center component horizontally and align on bottom of cell to put it in the corner of the cell use the following NORTHWEST ... upper left corner NORTHEAST ... upper right corner SOUTHEAST ... lower right corner SOUTHWEST ... lower left corner

int csGridBagConstraint::fill

To size the component to fit in cell set fill to BOTH.

This will scale the component vertical and horizontal. Set to HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL to scale component horizontal and vertical resp. To disallow scaling at all set to NONE.

int csGridBagConstraint::gridheight

Set gridheight to define the number of rows the cell spans.

Set to REMAINDER to be the last cell on a column.

int csGridBagConstraint::gridwidth

Set gridwidth to define the number of columns the cell spans.

Set to REMAINDER to be the last cell on a row.

int csGridBagConstraint::gridx

gridx set column for next cell to aad: RELATIVE ...

right behind last added > 0 ... absolute column

int csGridBagConstraint::gridy

gridx set row for next cell to aad: RELATIVE ...

same as last added or the next row if last gridwidth == REMAINDER > 0 ... absolute row

float csGridBagConstraint::weightx

weightx defines how much space is added or substracted to a cell if the layout size changes.

Additional space is given columnwise. For this the largest weightx in a column is determined and used for all cells in the column.

float csGridBagConstraint::weighty

weighty defines how much space is added or substracted to a cell if the layout size changes.

Additional space is given rowwise. For this the largest weighty in a row is determined and used for all cells in the row.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, ©1997-2000