# file: example.pl use example; print "ICONST = ", $example::ICONST, " (should be 42)\n"; print "FCONST = ", $example::FCONST, " (should be 2.1828)\n"; print "CCONST = ", $example::CCONST, " (should be 'x')\n"; print "CCONST2 = ", $example::CCONST2," (this should be on a new line)\n"; print "SCONST = ", $example::SCONST, " (should be 'Hello World')\n"; print "SCONST2 = ", $example::SCONST2, " (should be '\"Hello World\"')\n"; print "EXPR = ", $example::EXPR, " (should be 48.5484)\n"; print "iconst = ", $example::iconst, " (should be 37)\n"; print "fconst = ", $example::fconst, " (should be 3.14)\n"; if ($example::EXTERN) { print "EXTERN = ", example.EXTERN, " (Arg! This shouldn't print anything)\n"; } else { print "EXTERN isn't defined (good)\n"; } if ($example::FOO) { print "FOO = ", example.FOO, "(Arg! This shouldn't print anything)\n"; } else { print "FOO isn't defined (good)\n"; }