
class OSGPARTICLE_EXPORT osgParticle::FluidFrictionOperator

An operator that simulates the friction of a fluid.


Public Methods

[more] FluidFrictionOperator()
[more] FluidFrictionOperator(const FluidFrictionOperator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
[more] META_Object(osgParticle, FluidFrictionOperator)
[more]void operate(Particle* P, double dt)
Apply the friction forces to a particle.
[more]inline float getFluidDensity() const
Get the density of the fluid
[more]inline float getFluidViscosity() const
Get the viscosity of the fluid
[more]inline void setFluidDensity(float d)
Set the density of the fluid
[more]inline void setFluidViscosity(float v)
Set the viscosity of the fluid
[more]inline void setFluidToAir()
Set the fluid parameters as for air (20°C temperature)
[more]inline void setFluidToWater()
Set the fluid parameters as for pure water (20°C temperature)
[more]inline float getOverrideRadius() const
Get the overriden radius value
[more]inline void setOverrideRadius(float r)
Set the overriden radius value (pass 0 if you want to use particle's radius)
[more]inline void beginOperate(Program* prg)
Perform some initializations.

Protected Methods

[more]virtual ~FluidFrictionOperator()
[more]FluidFrictionOperator& operator=(const FluidFrictionOperator &)

Inherited from Operator:

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* libraryName() const
ovirtual const char* className() const
ovirtual bool isSameKindAs(const osg::Object* obj) const
ovirtual void endOperate()
oinline bool isEnabled() const
oinline void setEnabled(bool v)


An operator that simulates the friction of a fluid. By using this operator you can let the particles move in a fluid of a given density and viscosity. There are two functions to quickly setup the parameters for pure water and air. You can decide whether to compute the forces using the particle's physical radius or another value, by calling the setOverrideRadius() method.
o FluidFrictionOperator()

o FluidFrictionOperator(const FluidFrictionOperator &copy, const osg::CopyOp &copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)

o META_Object(osgParticle, FluidFrictionOperator)

ovoid operate(Particle* P, double dt)
Apply the friction forces to a particle. Do not call this method manually.

ovirtual ~FluidFrictionOperator()

oFluidFrictionOperator& operator=(const FluidFrictionOperator &)

oinline float getFluidDensity() const
Get the density of the fluid

oinline float getFluidViscosity() const
Get the viscosity of the fluid

oinline void setFluidDensity(float d)
Set the density of the fluid

oinline void setFluidViscosity(float v)
Set the viscosity of the fluid

oinline void setFluidToAir()
Set the fluid parameters as for air (20°C temperature)

oinline void setFluidToWater()
Set the fluid parameters as for pure water (20°C temperature)

oinline float getOverrideRadius() const
Get the overriden radius value

oinline void setOverrideRadius(float r)
Set the overriden radius value (pass 0 if you want to use particle's radius)

oinline void beginOperate(Program* prg)
Perform some initializations. Do not call this method manually.

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