
Jakarta-Regexp 1.2 API: Uses of Class org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException

Uses of Class

Uses of RESyntaxException in org.apache.regexp

Methods in org.apache.regexp that throw RESyntaxException
static RE REUtil.createRE(java.lang.String expression, int matchFlags)
          Creates a regular expression, permitting simple or complex syntax
static RE REUtil.createRE(java.lang.String expression)
          Creates a regular expression, permitting simple or complex syntax
(package private)  void RECompiler.syntaxError(java.lang.String s)
          Throws a new syntax error exception
(package private)  void RECompiler.bracket()
          Match bracket {m,n} expression put results in bracket member variables
(package private)  char RECompiler.escape()
          Match an escape sequence.
(package private)  int RECompiler.characterClass()
          Compile a character class
(package private)  int RECompiler.atom()
          Absorb an atomic character string.
(package private)  int RECompiler.terminal(int[] flags)
          Match a terminal node.
(package private)  int RECompiler.closure(int[] flags)
          Compile a possibly closured terminal
(package private)  int RECompiler.branch(int[] flags)
          Compile one branch of an or operator (implements concatenation)
(package private)  int RECompiler.expr(int[] flags)
          Compile an expression with possible parens around it.
 REProgram RECompiler.compile(java.lang.String pattern)
          Compiles a regular expression pattern into a program runnable by the pattern matcher class 'RE'.

Constructors in org.apache.regexp that throw RESyntaxException
RE(java.lang.String pattern)
          Constructs a regular expression matcher from a String by compiling it using a new instance of RECompiler.
RE(java.lang.String pattern, int matchFlags)
          Constructs a regular expression matcher from a String by compiling it using a new instance of RECompiler.

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