= Installation Guide == Requirements Ruby/GD requires version 1.6.0 or later of the gd library, and Ruby-1.4.0 or later. The latest version of gd is available from: http://www.boutell.com/gd/ The latest version of Ruby is available from: http://www.ruby-lang.org/ To build the extension library, at least the following libraries must be correctly installed in your system. * libpng * zlib = Install 1. To generate the Makefile with which Ruby/GD is build, issue this command from your prompt: ruby extconf.rb [options...] The following options can be specified: * --with-xpm If your gd has support for XPM format images, add this option. Note that libX11 and libXpm must be correctly installed in your system. * --with-ttf If your gd has support for TrueType fonts, add this option. Note that Freetype library must be correctly installed in your system. * --with-freetype If you want use the newest feature of font rendering provided by gd-1.8.4, add this option along with '--with-ttf'. Note that Freetype library must be correctly installed in your system. * --with-jpeg If your gd has support for JPEG format images, add this option. Note that libjpeg-6b or later must be correctly installed in your system. * --with-gd-include=[dir], --with-gd-lib=[dir] You can specify explicitly the location in which gd library is installed. EXAMPLE the case libgd.a and header files exist in "/home/foo/gd-1.8.4": $ ruby extconf.rb --with-gd-include=/home/foo/gd-1.8.4 --with-gd-lib=/home/foo/gd-1.8.4 * --enable-gd2_0 If you want to use the newest features (support for truecolor images, alpha channels, etc.) provided by gd-2.0.x from Ruby/GD, add this option. gd-2.0.x must be correctly installed on your system. 2. Build the extension library issue this command: $ make If successful, the library named "GD.so" is generated. 3. Install in your system type (if needed, as superuser) # make install or, # make site-install and GD.so will be correctly installed in your system. This finishes the installation.