class TYPE_THREAD inherit TYPE_SEPARATE creation {SEPARATE_TOOLS} make creation {TYPE_THREAD} from_other feature is_anchored: BOOLEAN is false c_header_pass1 is do standard_c_typedef end c_header_pass2 is do end c_header_pass3 is do if run_type = Current then thread_c_struct else run_type.c_header_pass3 end thread_c_object_model end c_header_pass4 is do standard_c_print_function end c_type_for_argument_in(str: STRING) is do str.append(fz_t0_star) end c_type_for_target_in(str: STRING) is do str.extend('T') id.append_in(str) str.extend('*') end c_type_for_result_in(str: STRING) is do str.append(fz_t0_star) end need_c_struct: BOOLEAN is true c_sizeof: INTEGER is do Result := (1).object_size + 2 * default_pointer.object_size end c_initialize is do cpp.put_string(fz_null) end c_initialize_in(str: STRING) is do str.append(fz_null) end feature {RUN_CLASS,E_TYPE} need_gc_mark_function: BOOLEAN is true just_before_gc_mark_in(str: STRING) is do standard_just_before_gc_mark_in(str) end gc_info_in(str: STRING) is do standard_gc_info_in(str) end gc_define1 is do standard_gc_define1 end gc_define2 is do standard_gc_define2 end feature {NONE} copy_from_other(other: like Current; m: like mapped): like Current is do create Result.from_other(other, m) end feature {NONE} thread_c_struct is -- Modified version of `standard_c_struct' require run_type = Current need_c_struct cpp.on_h local wa: ARRAY[RUN_FEATURE_2] mem_id: INTEGER do mem_id := id wa := run_class.writable_attributes tmp_string.copy(fz_struct) tmp_string.extend(' ') tmp_string.extend('S') mem_id.append_in(tmp_string) tmp_string.extend('{') if run_class.is_tagged then tmp_string.append(once "Tid id;") end tmp_string.append(once "se_subsystem_t* subsystem;") mapped.c_type_for_target_in(tmp_string) tmp_string.append(once " ref;}") tmp_string.append(fz_00) cpp.put_string(tmp_string) ensure cpp.on_h end frozen thread_c_object_model is -- Modified version of `standard_c_object_model' require run_type = Current cpp.on_h local mem_id: INTEGER rc: RUN_CLASS do rc := run_class mem_id := tmp_string.clear tmp_string.extend('T') mem_id.append_in(tmp_string) tmp_string.extend(' ') tmp_string.extend('M') mem_id.append_in(tmp_string) cpp.put_extern7(tmp_string) cpp.swap_on_c tmp_string.clear tmp_string.extend('{') id.append_in(tmp_string) tmp_string.append(once ",NULL,NULL}") tmp_string.append(fz_00) cpp.put_string(tmp_string) cpp.swap_on_h ensure cpp.on_h end end -- TYPE_THREAD