
Under construction ...
BWidget - Description text
BWidget::XLFDfont cmd ?arg...?
BWidget::assert exp ?msg?
BWidget::clonename menu
BWidget::focus option path
BWidget::get3dcolor path bgcolor
BWidget::getname name
BWidget::grab option path
BWidget::lreorder list neworder
BWidget::parsetext text
BWidget::place path w h ?arg...?


Description text

BWidget::XLFDfont cmd ?arg...?
Description text
BWidget::assert exp ?msg?
Description text
BWidget::clonename menu
Description text
BWidget::focus option path
Description text
BWidget::get3dcolor path bgcolor
Description text
BWidget::getname name
Description text
BWidget::grab option path
Description text
BWidget::lreorder list neworder
Description text
BWidget::parsetext text
Description text
BWidget::place path w h ?arg...?
Used to position and resise the widget specified by path. w and h are used to specify the requested width and height of the path widget for use by wm geometry. The placement of the widget relative to other widgets or the screen is controlled by additional arguments:
at x y
Place the widget specified by the path argument at screen position x,y. See wm geometry for information about window placement values.
center ?widget?
Place the path widget centered against widget or against the root widget if widget is not given.
left ?widget?
right ?widget?
Place the path widget either left or right of the reference widget (or the root widget if widget is not specified). If the reference widget's position is such that the newly placed window might be obscured then the opposite side will be tried.
above ?widget?
below ?widget?
As for left/right above, this option causes the widget to be placed either above or below the reference widget with the opposite placement being attempted if the newly placed widget will not be visible.