dnl @synopsis AG_CHECK_STRFTIME dnl dnl Check for existence and functioning of strftime routine. dnl dnl @author autogen.sf.net is a project of Bruce Korb dnl @version $Id: ag_check_strftime.m4,v 1.1 2001/11/11 05:50 ac-archive-0.5.39 $ dnl AC_DEFUN(AG_CHECK_STRFTIME,[ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether strftime() works]) AC_CACHE_VAL([ag_cv_strftime],[ AC_TRY_RUN([#include char t_buf[ 64 ]; int main() { static const char z[] = "Thursday Aug 28 240"; struct tm tm; tm.tm_sec = 36; /* seconds after the minute [0, 61] */ tm.tm_min = 44; /* minutes after the hour [0, 59] */ tm.tm_hour = 12; /* hour since midnight [0, 23] */ tm.tm_mday = 28; /* day of the month [1, 31] */ tm.tm_mon = 7; /* months since January [0, 11] */ tm.tm_year = 86; /* years since 1900 */ tm.tm_wday = 4; /* days since Sunday [0, 6] */ tm.tm_yday = 239; /* days since January 1 [0, 365] */ tm.tm_isdst = 1; /* flag for daylight savings time */ strftime( t_buf, sizeof( t_buf ), "%A %b %d %j", &tm ); return (strcmp( t_buf, z ) != 0); }],[ag_cv_strftime=yes],[ag_cv_strftime=no],[ag_cv_strftime=no] ) # end of TRY_RUN]) # end of CACHE_VAL AC_MSG_RESULT([$ag_cv_strftime]) if test x$ag_cv_strftime = xyes then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STRFTIME, 1, [Define this if strftime() works]) fi ]) # end of AC_DEFUN